Antichaos page

Last great offer

Anybody wants to buy the broadcasting rights for the last presidential debate on TV from the USA ? My offer (!!) is 10 euro for the total timespan of the last debate, end of sept 2020. 10 euro in form of a DVD or in music tape form. I pay 10 euro and for the coming debates ! My last offer for that of rights on TV !

    And I will only rise the offer for the broadcasting rights for 5 more euro for all future debates rights on all coming debates on TV from the USA ! I will get that on DVD or music tape .... 10 to 15 euro !!!!

        Khan Tengri         30.sept 2020 a village in Alps

Wo ist hier die Rede von Chaos

Man liest in einem grossen deutschen Zeitungsblatt mit namensverwandtschaft zum deutschen boersenplatz (gerichtsplatz boerse etc etc) vom samstag im spetember 2020, dass neben anderen doch informativen Artikeln, dass das Chaos eine Strickleiter sein soll.

    erstens: haekelmaschen sind schon einfacher und strickmuster koennen gut aussehen, das weiss auch Olaf vom, mehr davon !
zweitens: koennte aus einer Strickleiter eine Leiter mit Holzsprossen werden, ganze einfach, und aus einer Hoilzsprossenleiter eine hoelzerne Stehleiter sogar, das sieht nicht nach Chaos aus. Es werden dann sogleich aus der Stehleiter Aetse wachsen und dann Blaetter spriessen, das ist klar, zum harry potter.

    Auch liest man dass der Wald in privatbesitz besser, gesuender u scheoner sein soll, und zwar deshalb weil man darin die Baeume leichter schlagen kann, das Totholz oder den Ungesundbestand, oft auch monokultur genannt. Weil es sich dannbesser abraeumen liesse ... ?!

    erstens: dem wald ist es ziemlich wurscht ob ihn ein privater oder staatlciher Bauer besitzt, das ist klar, sonnenklar ! Jeder Waldbsitzer weiss wie schoen es im Wald sein kann, doch auch rutschig und mit viel Moos, doch ein gesunder Wald ist dufte.
zweitens: in oesiland kann man sich erst seit 1973 unbeschwert im Wald als oeffentliches Gut zur Erhohlung aufhalten, erste seit 1973 offiziell und legitimer weise, da waren die Hippies schon fast wieder alt, logisch oder.

    drittens: Jeder Wald hat Feinde, sowie auch Hasen und Kaninchen, doch er kann im Normalfall nicht davon laufen, brennen schon oder auch nicht gesund sein. Viele Waelder sind heute nicht gesund, vetrocknen quasi, Monokulturen sehen auch seit 1973 nicht einladend aus. Oder werden von den Borkenkaefern zerfressen, langsam ausgehoehlt und zu holzmehl udn stehendem Totholz verarbeitet, dann zerfaellt der Wald. je gesuender ein Wald jedoch ist umso eher wird er mit den Borkenkaefer Schaedlingen fertig.

    Auch kann man dem Wald mit natuerlichen Feinden solcher Kaefer helfen oder einzelnbe Baumarten unterstuetzen. Das sieht also nicht nach Chaos aus.

    Aus der hoelzernen Stehleiter kann sogar eine gruene Wand werden und aus solcher viel spater versteinerte Baeume. Die sich dann langsam wieder zu weiteren Waenden falten. Das sieht also auch nicht nach Chaos aus !

    Dort wo im fernen Westen ganze grosse Waelder im golden sunshine state abgebrannt sind, sind auch schon einige Doerfer mit abgebrannt, Das sieht schon eher nach Chaos aus ! Man kann sich durchaus berechtigter Weise fragen, unterstuetzt wer solches Chaos ? Mit welchen Mitteln udn wofuer, was wollen sie damit ereichen, steht dahinter ein genau definierte Zielsetzung. In sonstigen Bereichen ist das sonst oft die Vorgehensweise im ferenen weiten Westen. Ziel, Mittel,... Umsetzung etc etc

    Falls hinter solch monstroesen Waldbraenden keine Ziele bestehen oder Auftraggeber, kommt man dem Chaos schon naeher. Es ist klar dass dann bei 3 % der Bevoelkerung auf dei 150 mio Waffen kommen, solch Waffenbesitz Grosseigentum nicht bei der Aufklaerung im Fall von Chaos dienlich oder behilflich sein werden, eher das Gegenteil. Das beschwoert in Folge die Frage ob das Chaos dann noch groesser werden wird.

    Gibt es Gegenmittel und kann man die Medizin im Vorraus in millionen Dosen schon kaufen dagegen ?

    daraus folgert: Wenn die hoelzerne Stehleiter nicht umgefallen ist, steht sie noch heute.

man wartet auf 1e Rechnung

        zur Biometrie des schwachsins

haarlaenge, haarfarbe ... koerpergroesse ... body mass inedx .... figur, elite .... vorlieben ... rasiert,.. teilrasiert, ... ganz, rasiert, intimrasiert .. rauchst du nichtraucher .,... alkohol, .. sonst noch was .....

sport, lesen hobbies ..... dabei mit oder ohne helm .....
lieblingsfortbewegungsmittel .... auto, bus, elektrofahrrad.. helikopter, omnibus, flugi ..... damit wieweit weg .... wieoft .. geimpft oder ungemimpft ....

Bad food accounts for many dead by the pandemic

The gr Meister says that all main world religions have old traditions and rules for food and eating. It is with the jewish (kosher) people and the muslim (halal) volks, the traditional Hindus eat no meat.

    So in these times when the pandemic is hitting on total countries and the more in modern ones, people should immediately stop eating chlor chicken, that hits on the immune system and the numbers of dead people of the USA alone is very disturbing, 200 000 dead is the number as from heavy wars and fatalities.

    Mr Obama the ex president of the US got the Nobel peace price in advance, at the beginning of his term as president, what is hard to be understood. During his terms as presidnet US wild wars were burning total regions in the Mid East and from the times of the socalled Iraq freedom operation (2014) which was also when ISIS started its main heavy attacks and ambushes from the northern iraqi regions, Mossul and the more to nearly over total Syria to the mediterranean sea south of Turky.

    So its a bid hard to understand that one of the main chiefs in command got the Nobel peace price allready that early of his term as president. Of course the nobel commitee is not at all part of the UN, far not, and they uncovered some lurkings there in that nobel commitee later on. It was also the times of Ebola outbreaks in quite a few of regions from central to western African states.

    So as people should far not eat all that stuff which they see on advertisings on TV etc the actual heavy challenge and pandemic with the numbers of killed by it alkone in the USA shows dramatic developments. And that also becaue the people often do not knwo wthat they get to eat.

    If you do not eat healthy over years, yes even poisen food counted over years, how can you think then of other issues to be handled well during parts of a lifetime.

    First you have to know what you eat before anything else gets on the schedule, Nomore junkfood

    When you do not know your food, there is not much else what you can know and understand, and pandemics will strike and force its losses the more.

    When the people eat bad over years there is not much left which they can understand, and the numbers of dead in specific regions and lands by the pandemic point direct also in that direction. The master mentioned stop with that chlor chickens (somewhen march 2020)

    A bid of hunger or good appetite can be better than to eat bad and poisen over years. World religions from old times have ruels on food, first of all.

    What you know whan you do not know what you eat ?

When you know what you eat you can know your physics
some basic rules before anything else !

Freedom for changes

It is sad to see the heads of the revolts and demonstrators, the heads who fight for a regimechange or just minor changes, to see them dissapearing in cabs and getting dropped or chailed then at the borders to neighbouring countries.

    In case of Russia when these fighters for their own land and people get targeted eleminated for a while, so taken out of the game for regime chnage or adaptions for the better for the people. Once they had teh city of Gorki where many of the heads and thinkers and regime changers lived more or less togather in Gorki in the last century.

    In the west tehy spoke of targeted killing for a while or a year ago it was the phrase of more deadly weapons by the USA. If you take it down to the comon US shooter on the daily streets or mass shooting scenarios it can be translated from 30 shots a minute to 90 stots a minute as it hapened in Las vegas. And the case was that the hotel was equipped with cams, even so the mass shooter could bring all his equipment for heavy load and shooting up there over days. What happened then is well known.

In Demenzdoerfern gerne vorgelesen

Blackbuck in interview

Aladin misshap

Biathlon -

The Big Conspiracy

Taxing the Big 5


Operated 1

Then the phrase from the West was unlawfull killings here and then, whatever that means, is it shooting without license, killing and murder beside official armies and security firms, without the official order, lets say from another White House for hunting down enemies in the dark (night riders) and far away lands or even in the homeland of the White house itself.

    In many lands in Latin America and during specific rescue or others of their socalled missions they have to totally cover their faces, because strikeback could be devastating. Kuklux clan is for long forbidden in the US, but does that tell anything when it gets good performences on TVs over years.

    But unlawfull killing sounds really stupid, just another phrase and tag for traditons which got for long out of controll in total hemispheres. They have many phrases there from drive by shooting, unlawfull, targeted, random etc

    Then on the bigger scale weapons of mass destruction once for justification to intrude foreign lands, then dirty nukes in contrary to what, guess they keep themself as clean and legal nukers, then mother and father of all biombs and the more.

    It is big traditions with a long history, once it was not one bomb, the mother or father of all bombs as some like to name it. No it was thousands of burnt villages, burnt witches, Waldenser, slaves, farmers and a diverse range of head thinkers and revolutionaries got slaughtered onway.

    In the caribe there is only one island, and good that is a big one Cuba, where the mass slaughter is not there, even as they had many slaves once and dictators, this chapter changed since the revolution. Today the people are easy going and friendly, at many places in the capitel and other cities they enjoyand dance there, also with touris and foreigners in the streets at nights.

    They do not get the fuzz on the many forms of shootings and killings as in other western lands, as the ones who got the neoliberal touch and glamour of the new investors, commercialistas and performers, the ones who tried to takeover all from small to big. When most is in their hands many people get upset and revolt against the ones who have all in their hands, but their hands are still of the old size, far too small to handle that much.

    So they get the banks and dream accounts, transfers and accountees administering their stuff, either it is there or not. That is another question, 1,9 mrd for air transfers is quite lot, it is big numbers whith nothing in back. But that is just the tip of the long melted iceberg.

    Under normal circumstances there are factories, workers, robots and products, for some these got outsourced to far away lands, production also for computers. With weapons and military planes it is again the opposite, that gets produced at home factories, with computers it is not that dangerouse that is good enough for getting produced somewhere else.

    And that gets to the problem of the angry people, revolts and lootings, when much of the system is based on hypocrisy, fake, false and nice lies. With simple dictators it is easy to be seen, there is little fake and false with them, they can be faced, figured and be seen easily, the target and people supressor is there ...

    With modern kapitalism it is often unclear, untransparent (that is why they shout for transparency), complicated, tricky, many nice sweet phrases often for the same thing.

    Then the factory or its marcet value, the sold products, gains and the share of the marcet value, the factory workforce and the mashines and the marcet value in contrast ....

    Banking got sweat tests over years and for good reasons. Sweattests for dictators look different but often show similar answers, if they would go for some compromise it would be good for the people and their lands.

    In some cases as with kings and royal families in Europe, the dictator could take a minor brutal and hostile seat and place, he could transfer and share some powers what would help many people in their lands. He could keep some importance as on a picture, an island, a holiday ressort or castle, and comon people could gain so a bigger share, see the resulst by their actions, achieve the changes and get the results.

    Dictators can also endup in hospitals, holiday ressorts, farm houses, or islands, with old rulers it is often that case.

    The more people gain the power for their own fate the more it will workout for them. In these times we can see the results of extreme changes over last years from West to East. Either with sweet language in the name of soldout freedoms and barrierefrei, which can get down then to betreutes Wohnen, betreutes Autofahren, betreutes Kochen, Fernsehen, Einkaufen, betreutes Hundi ausfuehren und betreutes Putzen what can look quite similar on either sides.

No Fear !

It is good to see the women of Belarus demonstrating, show the dictator that you are there that you have the voice and power, and that there is little space for fear.

    If they beat you it is by their last means, they beat your men, that is a weak sign when they beat the men of Belarus and it is good when the women and men and factory workers of Belarus show their strenght, voice and power.

    The dictator was showing up with a gun getting out of the helicopter, not like a civil men and president with good intentions. No after 26 years in power he liked to show up with a rifle like anywhere in any army, it could have also been for his last choice, the gun and the president in the helicopter, the peoples power got that close that he nearly escaped by helicopter with a gun.

fear ... what is fear

    When the factories stand silent and women and men of Belarus are out in the streets and public they get sympathies, as nowadays many people in many countries are demonstrating, for differenet issues and not getting that close to make some leaders show up with a gun and not grounded any more, more close to escape with the helicopter.

    When it gets hot in the streets and on the ground the Bodenhaftung is anyway lost since decades with dictators, it can also be a good sign for the angry people when dictators change to helicopters.

    No fear, it is just a sign in specific situations, a natural helper in short, but the more you are the more fear changes to the other side, there are turning poiints then, and instead of gripping tight to the guns they should start talking to their people, to their own volk, and if there is some
room left after 26 years, changes do not mean beaten up people on this or that side but a start for the changes and if the dictator fears that.

    The dictators do mostly not understand any other means but guns, but after some time, talks and mind changing, fixed mindsettings can change from guns to roses and talks.

No fear of dreamtrappers !?

Fear is not a good helper, it is just in moments to get the attention for uncomon situations. So if suddenly after years of daily routines and wellknown situations there is something looking like danger or evel, like something new, unknown, unusual it can trigger fear (when it does not come by TV). That is one of the most comon ground for fear.

    If you have been around the world for years there is no fear left, no space and room for fear, because daily everything is new and changing.

    You just need to get a good nose for potentially far too dangerouse situations or city locations, then better know how to dress and how not, what to show and waht not, or leave the location at the point before entering it.

    Of course there are locations in cities or the djungles where you have to see before you get into it, before it is too late then. That can be learnt in the total Latin Americas, do not proceed in certain areas either you are allready naked.

In Demenzdoerfern gerne vorgelesen

Blackbuck in interview

Aladin misshap

Biathlon -

The Big Conspiracy

Taxing the Big 5


Operated 1

On the other side some see the fear in people, the fear of the unknown, the ugly, evel and danger, and then they take advantage of that. In some cases it can also be dreamlike sounding stories of beaches, private jets and drinks on the beach, sun and fun etc if you have no idea about the potential outcome of that stories and storie tellers, either by experience, test and checkings also then better stay out if you do not know really what you want, some dreams and stories form either sides can turn then to to somethiong totally different.

    There are professional storie tellers on all sides, some do it for trapping, they could be named dreamstory trappers (Lolita fliers)

    Often a smart mobile in the right use and situation can blow up vereything, it is mostly two in the same trap then. Before it was the dreamstories told to get them trapped.

    It sounds and looks so great at first, but surprise can be many from good to bad, that takes experience and the base and power to handle, get out, change, blow up, drama queen or turn the situation. But also know then some rules or what the ones of dreamstory telling and trapping, illusion poppers may use or turn when the stories do not look to turn out as told before, the trap is the same for either side, some can be seen in very emotional socalled reality TV roomdramas.


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Fear from stupidity is another form then and nowadays it is often dead before it shows up, got flattened from Abgestumpftheit by daily perfomance on TV, the channel can be changed fast in such cases.

    The less fear the better as a good sign.


Fear and covid 19

The demonstrations against covid 19 measures look strange, is it because freedoms got cut to keep people from getting infected, is it because some volks feel their freedoms got cut because of that covid, alos named corona.

Khan Tengri did
a good job !

    Is it just to have another justification to show up in streets .... togather, and then mostly not in cars. Is it because the enemy, the virus is so small, rediculouse small, not be seen not be heared, but transmitted by aerosols and specific currents and surfaces by the bodies, who are now not alowed to hug, to kiss, to shake hands, to allow the daily normal habits and norms, teh daily formalities whow the demonstrators miss then now so much since weeks.

    Covid 19 is a strong enemy and silent killer, mayber they demonstrate because the daily routines got changed thatfor and the enemy got not yet beaten totally.

    Others keep themself so strong, so eubermensch,
that that little thing,
that tiny virus does more sound like a bad joke to them,
before and after all their daily exercises in gyms, spanish gyms, spas and wellness centers.

    How can that be, that tiny virus, hard to be beaten,
and that even as thousands train daily in gyms, on mats and in Kraftkammern,
sweating and pumping,
and the silent killer not yet beaten, not to mention
the daily habits and routines
which got changed by that little tiny thing,

    Others seem to demonstrate against that new rules and because the fight is allready taking a while and not by normal means.

Chosen for best readers digest (by corbes)

Snake encounters

Biathlon day

The Big Conspiracy

Adria travels
A good page

see the total bookcover
Oiltanker in flames
There was a fire on teh oiltanker at the souther tipof Sri Lanka They are crazy, it seems to get extinguished ... maybe.
It is crazy and maks me nuts, angry, and blowing up of anger

Ich spucke Schaum und die Goetter mit mir, toben tagelang,
Ich schaeume tagelang wenn dort ein Oeltankler brennt,
dort gibte s Kuesten Abschnitte die sooo schoen sind, dass ich tage u stundenlang schaeume
wegs so einem riesigen brennendem Oeltanker
das ist irre, wenn dort die Kuesten auch nur ein bisl Oel abbekomen ... dort schwimmen tausende Thunfische, Delphine u Wale um die Insel,
Herrliche Straende, Traumplaetzchen,
da schaeume ich tage u stundenlang u die Goetter mit mir
und einer !

International Investigation on Poisen

Can the US be saved from homegrown terror    

Creta- Hvar- Ljubljana     Home    

See the bookcover, also Henry Miller was impressed of that book