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Assange got free !

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Assange got free after many years incarcerated


Zur Jahresmitte

hublog is on indefinite strike !

in case they hunt u down go to any better embassy !

Great Turky Riviera

Irgendwas von Existenzrechten

More on Souhturkies Coast 024

Kritik an cellphones
when you do concrete work or Mt biking how can you use a cellphone then.

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Stations of the great time along a southern coast, historic also very special, visited summer 2024.

Huge Containership made bridge to collapse near Baltimore
Another big carrier misshap, this time in the USA itself, delivery of containers had some delays again. How did worldtrade get affected. //
Auch mit Flieg flieg und von Der Landung

Zur Jahresmitte immer besonders abgefahren

EU und USA im Wahlkampffieber
und zur Jahresmite immer besonders abgefahren bei den Nazis.

Whoever for whateve job wherever, what was his or her name, cheers and volks got puzzled, but not really very much disturbed, that can happen in the USA mixing fice or ex, in such strong positions, that is not that unusual there. But overall they got good friends again over the Atlantic after the shocks and hardships before.

Schon 500 prozent verschossen

Assange got free US minister hat Kopfweh

It got not done for cellphones, it is bigger ! As with nature.

What was that with embedding, ... it gets floods, bushfires, hurricanes and draughts.

Neo Friedenskonferenz bei gleichzeitiger Freigabe der westl waffen zum usage in Russia

Bei der Parrallelitaet macht das aber eine ganz schiefe Optik ! Eben in der Schweiz. Also ob sie die Zeichen der Zeit noch nicht ganz verstanden haben.