aAlpenfestung         Alpf_A Alpf_B Alpf_C
mystisch justice delikte pics english mute

A tiny region -

Eine winzige region erkennbar an Ortsinformationen, Anschlagtaferln, Kerzerln, Waldschlägen, unmengen Forststrasserln, Haus-Auto-Fluren (nach Flurbereinigung) etc etc

Hitler took this expression for his last resort in the mountains (Alps) before the enemies would come, take over and win.
But his socalled Berghof got cleaned from farmers around before Hitler would welcome his Nazis there, his Vasallen and Bergjungfern, and thatfor he could take care for his deutsche Schäfer (german bread dog).

But never mind Hitler had a knowledge of gesunde Psychologie !-) he shouted and screemed around during his speeches and many Nazijungfern collapsed by listening either in front of Fackelträger stages or as nowadays the Volksempfänger (Stiftungsrat ... !-)

Stiftungsrat got done for regulating TV (öffi Rechtlich) after the neo done Governmentals got angelobt (inaugurated ...) after they marched subway to the place of Angelobungs-ceremony, because on top, over them, the masses were protesting at that time.

After coming back from India at that time, i immediatley joined the protests, Botschaft B esorgter Büreger n the more, with social hamatting (sociales Hängematting etc etc ) 2 hit back as hard as we could then ....

These times are not yet over and get toughest restistance !-), either in remote areas (little not remote by streaming or smart mobs) or in Ballungscentren/cities where the public viewing is a good way to get rid of that problem by bets of performance acts in
the category best antinazi trustee act ...

Viva voila pronto -
Wonscht du koane zwoasprochigen Ortstofln verkroftesht, donn gibsch ab heute nur mehr Ortstafeln füer Frauen ! (on de Kaulquappenfresser seit 21.05.015)

D Hypo-Alpe-Adria trail hat viele macken, als geprüfter Wanderreitführer muss ich sowas beanstanden ! -

Echtes Jägerlatein, auch ein nat.park Wärter schiesst da ma nen Hirschen ... ! nur zur Brunftzeit wahrscheinlich ...
Alias Homo-primitivo-kaulquappens (frog larves, auch Kaulquappenfresser or Froschlkönige ...)

Seit Haiter u Schlüssel (unterirdisch...) sprechen d Käntner gediegenes
Hypo English !

Mit 140km/h im Ortsgebiet gegen d Mauer, - ned alle taferl im sack ...

Ma woas jo ned wos kimmt ... !!??
Deaf ma des ?

Hats Buberl a schei
hat da Papa hosen voi Blei

De Fiescha homd Ongst dass aus da Hosentoschn a Krokodil ausaziagen,
wenn a Nockerta in Teich springt ...

Wahrscheinlich fressens Kaulquappen, ... de se mitn ungefragt genommenen Kescherle (1mm mweite minus) ausagfonga hom.
Singen se schon ... oder probieren se noch ?

Homs se a die cam im Postbus gesehen ? (deaf ma des ?)

Gummi Gummi, Gassi Gassi
Sound of Music
- klingelts ?-)

Jo warum kimt denn da elektrika ned in Haus,
na se wissen schon, wegen der Elektrostatik des ...
na der Herrschaften ...
Na dann ordern wir den Bewegungsmelder !!!-)
(flexi installtn self done !)

The first free farmers of Europe
rolled down rocks and stones against some church,
because the church entered their farm houses,
and so they got free !

Müllsäcke der gemein_de für 3,20 tEuro !-) wegen der umwegsrentabilität ?

Im Bereich vor d Crazy Post Hotel wird wieder ein Baum gepflanzt !
(Stieleiche oda Winterlinde)

Manche gemein_de spielt Mikado
mit Holzklötzchen von Lego

Als d. Brücke zur Kläranlage (KA) fehlgeplant wurde
springt KG ein u richtets wieder (Gewerbe), und als Draufgabe u Alibi eine BachreNaturierung mit Bagger bei Aushebung aller alten Tracker-Brücken-Fundamente am Talboden ... dort

Im Lagga Haus könnt ihr euch d
teuren Hartplastikpfropfen "WasserStop" (von G.) kaufen.

Gummi Gummi, Gassi Gassi
Sound of Music
- klingelts ?-)

Da Copperfield mit seiner Sonnen-Spiegel -verschiebe Taktik
kann mi am O. leckn ... D Sonne scheint normalerweise immer auf unser 39 Stock Bienenhaus (39 nation beehut) ktn.at.eu (may015) and the shadow games (Schattenwurf-verschiebe-spielchen) stehen dem in nix nach. When you move during sun and your shadow doesnt run parallel to other shades around then that is absurd .. abwegeig (Goa, khabi khabi jan-march 015) When my shadow is going in front of me i ve no problem with that.
(Kaulquappe 378 008 - gecshüttelt oda gerührt ... !-)

Kreuzeckgruppe u Fragant -
werden in d Nat.Park eingemeindet,
doch wenigstens d Gössnitzsee u d Raggaschlucht
auf d Nat. Parkkarten bemerkt.
    (Ragga ist nicht Fricka- eure Maria Theres)

Mazurati u Bruneti did good jobs n will do good jobs
i am sure, they only need o get the date by tel unsmart ungender.pol.

Glock ist nicht Knauf
Gl. is a ktner Firma
und auch in de USA beliebt als Model

Ein Deutscher weiter oben (Haus) am 40% gefälle NeoKanalhang (ex Saumpfad),
verklagt se olle. Manchmal fand man am Saumpfad Golfbälle
(schön im Stil, konsequent id Sache ... )


Wenns des nächste mal a Kescherle brauchen,
sollens an Brief in Postkasten werfen
darin können sie sich üben !-)
- A gonsch klore sache !!

This region is very mystic
I dont know why they ve cars,
I dont know why they need frog larves
but it is a very mystic region, like during mid ages,
and nobody knows wats coming
(a typical phrase of the region - ma woas jo ned wos kimmt ... ) many little things come and go, nobody knows nothing
not even the police at a socalled computer can put a file
but it is very mystic, (mystisch in german)
Bibione and Jesolo 4 holiday is too much for them (90%)
it s not so far away Bippie-ohne and Jessolo,
by car maybe 3 hrs, but its to much 4 them
this region is very mystic and
nobody sees or knows anything, but a car, frog larves or potatoe-chips in front of TV
its very mystic

Once friends came with a Ferrari and we had good fun
but then during a 3km a ride to the village
some Champaign bottles at our feet pushed out, the foam and so ...
We had no idea what happened but its a very mystic region ...
Nobody knows nothing ...

Genau so gehe ich vor, u wenn ihr das nicht checkt,
ja dann ... dann ist es zu spät. /
Kaulquappe 457309

Schaun sie mir genau zu,
ja jez genau da, sehen sie das,
wie ich das ei ansteche, ja jez genau da,
dann kommt a bisl luft raus.
mehr hier sci_ html
ei in german /das ei
Kaulquappe 378 560 (deaf ma des)

In da Bankfiliale, sprengel mölltal, stehen 2 mistkübel in eisennetzKostüm grau meliert, evtl Hitlagrau nicht ausgewiesen, es wäre noch platz für 10 weiterer solcher HochsicherheitsNetzmistkübel
/ Kaulquappe 785039

Kennen sie schon die neo_Önorm, die mö_Norm (mölltal normiert)
seit Schlüssel u Heiter, EU und At certifiziert,
nach der neuen Brett vorm hirn vorschrift,
äähh überregionales competing-Konkurrenzing, Schneidebretter sind in EU_stammtischen verboten /
Kaulaquappe 125 809 (deaf ma des)

Den indischen Kullis geht d Tinte aus,
das tut sehr weh,
ja das tut weh so weh

- Bedingungslose Kapitulation oder
meine Gartenwerkzeuge zum Heckenauslichten u Holzspalten zurück !
oder ich beschäftige euch bis 2018 passiv (indirekt)

- ein Elektriker sooll koomen u. d. Anschlüsse u KastenVerteiler checken d Türe superdicku 3 Bolzen entriegelt von selber quasi ...
BrStätter kommt nicht mehr ins Haus nach der 1stündgn Erläuterung zu am Sat-TV Anschluss (in ind. bestens machbar), und der 15 Phasen Legung !

Ranger_city (Rangersdorf) ist ganz woanders als Lienz,
von hl blut brauch ma gerned reden,
doch d Königsetappe mitn Mt Bike und Gepäck is zaach,
bin weiter über Zell
nach Sbg und Linz. (special destinations.int) Kanu

Solange die auf ihren Nationalparkkarten,
der neos on konsis, die Raggaschlucht u Gössnitzsee vergessen,
und d Konsis für denkmalgschütztes zu erhaltendes Kultur Überbleibsel,
zu blöde sind (lokal.gemein), ja dann sind sie für alle zu blöde.

Ragga is nicht Fricka, eure Maria Theres

On the Alpenfestungs
local hiking and snow-loiping map (1 only..)
they ve 5 kategories of paths
(but also topo lines) ... very -
very diverse, so to say multilateral.
But i commanded and per decret showed them allready
that the Kreuzeckgruppe, grösstenteils Ödland
(kind of deadland, just stones, rumble, rocks n partly ice),
and the Innerfragant gets eingemeindet (hitler german)
into NationalPark Kernzone
(its not steirisches Kernöl or kind of Hödlmoser book)
and i am not a marmot-Mankei or Deer shooting Nationalparkaufseher (-ranger).
    No, i am Oberförster, Wood manager, Wood-inspector
and kkGendarm in Realunion and my Realästethic
is very clear with that. (my sister is not Käthe ..
sass am Fensterbrett u nähte ...)

In the village Crazy Post Hotel was a big thing,
it was the village greatest hotel,
with Webcaffe, Pizzeria, with terrace and big tree
at magic car turning point, with a bar and some rooms.
There in Alpenfestung
they like home-bars
or bares-cash very much, distinctive !-)
So Crazy Post Hotel was just perfect ...

Ich bin ein SLOWENE !
(Polinik ist ein Berg, this sounds a little like NLP but This is it !-)

When they cut the beton spring done by grandpa in 60s
from the water pipeline to the house (2005),
in 60s betoned-done by grandpa)
while doing their crazy canalisation and Kläranlage project (2005)
without giving notice, they will get this -
Anzeige collectivo E1/3785/2015 (FIR.in)
and E is not my partition.pc !

A gemein_de garbage bag is 3,20 tEuro
and it comes from Lienz, next Bundesland, kind of local dump managment with umwegsrentabilität, stockshare and gegengeschäft, gr oder kleines ...

Teures wasser wolltens auch mal in Manila probieren ...
weiss aber nicht was dort Müllsäcke kosten.
    Costly water they also tried in Manila once ... !
but i do not know what there garbage bags cost ?

Psychologen als Haflinger getarnt, bei 15 geilenZeugen ....
sollten a bisl aufpassen, gerade bei Fragen an d anwesenden Polizisten, oda worns Gendarmen narrische ..

Glock ist nicht Revolver
Ragga ist nicht Fricka und d
Gössnitzsee ist nicht der National Park
eure Maria Theres ... (mit Nilpferdpeitsche !-)

Ich mach jetzt meine Promotion bei Stock Marcet Watch
und das bin ich selber
Stock-Marcet-Watch classes über conferenz schaltung nach Indien. Funny classes once a week. My Ratings here

Drunt am schönene Gössnitzgrund da schwimmen (!!) 2 Selbander,
die schlossen einen Freundschaftsbund gehn nicht mehr auseinander ...
(got faked 4 short, Saunazis ...! but resolved)

Kennts es den neuen FastfoodHaxIndex scho ?

I hob ma den Akt mit da Traudi aus Putzing no amoi angeschaut,
im Oberen Innviertel, ganz a schlimme Sache,
u hab beschlossen die Sache unter Verschluss zu halten
bis i von Justice a Aussage hab.

Zur Aufenthaltsermittlung vom 20.04.15 (poli.) u Anzeige im Fall "Traudi" (poli.)
Alpenfestung - Alpenfestung - Alpenfestung

Revolution is on, autopilot is off,
gardentoolds get PUT back.

In eigener Sache:
Ich verstehe Thomas Bernhard sehr gut, auch Manfred Deix und Hermes Phettberg, ebenso Konrad Lorenz !

Die Alpenfestung ist jenseits von Gut u Tratschnix
Alpenfestung is byond Good and Tratshnix
(short excursio: Tratschnix was a local stage worker and house wive,
once active during Haiter u Schlüssel coalition-governmentales totale ...)

Yesterday (29.05) i did 60km up and downvalley on cycle,
nice, but not a single open restaurant on way
Nobody knows nothing,
nobody wants anything and
it is a very mystic region
- Alpenfestung -

Hallooohhh ich bin dein Computer Billie
willst du mich zwingen herunter zu fahren ? (win7)
    Du devoter Trottel, beim Abschalten wird Billie ganz weich und smart,
du deepata Bilie, ich zwinge dich nicht nur ich verarsche dich genauso
du devoter Trottel
Am Ende wird Billie dein PC ganz devot

2 Bilder zur Alpenfestung und die Symbole des neuen Jahrhundert -
2 pics related to Alpenfestung and the Symbols of the new Century
Disziplin, Ordnung Sauberkeit
Zucht u Biene (wer kann sowas unterwandern ...)
Symoble des neuen Jahrhunderts

        extremo fundamnetalo links; Page background #ccc Hitler-grey

English chapter - A tiny region -

Hitler took this expression for his last resort in the mountains (Alps) before the enemies would come, take over and win.
But his socalled Berghof got cleaned from farmers around before Hitler would welcome his Nazis there, his Vasallen and Bergjungfern, and thatfor he could take care for his deutsche Schäfer (german bread dog).

Kind of healthy psychology, adapted to Alpenfestung and neo-tupperwares etc, in region of Hitlers.at.de.eu - (dead and dead for a while allraedy since win of the Allies 1945) Alpenfestung, and his odd followers, fans and Primitivos Kaulquappis, Translated into english, my service.

If you can not accept two language village signs (slowenish- german)
you will from now on only get village signs for women, rigid gender conformo.

Since they took abot 100 000 frog larves (Kaulquappen) out of our pond overnight, full acts of Homo-primitivo-kaulquappens (frog larves, auch Kaulquappenfresser or Froschlkönige ...) respective Saunazis.at.eu (mai 2015)
- I am angry (zornig) and they need what they need to get for that ... !-)
a 100 000 lessons

Guess they are so poor allready by their self destruction, no standards but Nazis envy and katholi intriganti, that they need to eat local bred frog larves taken from neighbours ponds illegalo, tehy can hardl accept anything even Bibione, Caorle and Jesolo, all holiday spots little further south in bella Italia, about 4 hours hrs Bippie-ohne und Jessolo, but here in that strange region they have a kind of socalled Nachbarschaftshife by law, what indicates how poor they are, need frog larves ... maybe to eat or through away,
and the more they dont undserstand in that regard, they ve no castle home and will loose more walls ...
very mystic region by Nazis envy and katholi intriganti irelevant,
a deadly and evel (böse) mixture which hardly survives itself.

Also Thomas Berhard, writer and famouse for his radical sentences,
killing and striking like a sword or even machete,
nowadays in regions of compo-plastic-shavers.
Also Konrad Loranz knew that, comparing with animal behauvior and nobel piece price winner (73) and many
more radical backstrikers on Nazis and Fashists.

This region is very mystic (Alpenfestung)
I dont know why they ve cars,
I dont know why they need frog larves
but it is a very mystic region, like during mid ages,
and nobody knows wats coming
(a typical phrase of the region - ma woas jo ned wos kimmt ... ) many little things come and go, nobody knows nothing
not even the police at a socalled computer can put a file
but it is very mystic, (mystisch in german)
Bibione and Jesolo 4 holiday is too much for them (90%)
it s not so far away Bippie-ohne and Jessolo,
by car maybe 3 hrs, but its to much 4 them
this region is very mystic and
nobody sees or knows anything, but a car,
frog larves or potatoe-chips in front of TV
its very mystic

Once friends came with a Ferrari and we had good fun
but then during a 3km a ride to the village
some Champaign bottles at our feet pushed out, the foam and so ...
We had no idea what happened but its a very mystic region ...
Nobody knows nothing ...

They can hardly accept anything, so weakis, from frog larves which they seem to envy, birds, happy people and not to mention life at all, or do they eat frog larves we have to ask seriousely,
Nazis are Anti life, an attitude by tradition - so get us, get me.
Neocons anticipate nowadays a lot ... kind of neos word there - antisipating, modic words and mode phrases .... unmutual but can be enriched with NLP.

They can hardly take and accept anything but their Begfehlsoberen and commanders (Rommel, Göhring, Feldmasrshall with stick etc etc) whom they like for their hard commands and shouting emotionally intelligento .. to nowadays HC Strache (local Agent) and consorti, and on other dirty cold blooded hand the katholi intriganti irrelevanto

Dick the qualehunter, Rumsy and Neos ... ... or they try to kill what they can not accept by tradition neo ... Rumsfeld (the 1st aid praktikant and rumsy fuzzy), Bush, Janey (the quale shooter), Tea parties (in native robes or Hockey mums plastik shoulderd) n the more consortias katastrophales-neo-cons (amrkkn.konsi.shheads), sometimes the used containers for collaterl killing .. but funny they did data collecting as Hitler did (in neos ... heli videos shooting also reportes unembeded, and dont fucka with us videos ...) on their acting as Hitler did (Kaulquappe 236789 - 578904) but guess they still ve some mutual friends somewhere in rednecky Texas i guess ... counting or listing so to say or Stricherlliste ... with kerbe in colt ... on their Dull Dude Acts.
Now data box container somwhere neo in Utah ... must be sticky n massy, maybe like TTIPS with courts ousourced for Comps and corpses, they get regular courts, no question !

If you need frog larves in max numbers, either to eat or through somewhere, what are you then, we can search for a reason, but will find relatively nothing but dullness and stupidity.

There is not a single tiny something found in a world of life overbound, but often destruct and eradicated by mono,
1 window, 1 cultural shift, 1 Alpenfestung, 1 Führer, 1 church, ... in a world of life overbound, is it that they can to be ignored totally, after buffalo slaughter, slave keeping and upholding, after Hitler and some multi media Teams running after a bit ...
What is there, what are they, in this world ?
it is and was Comache region, teh best horseback riders worldwide, overbound outstanding !-)
Ganga     Life overbound

Idiots will stay idiots by their ignorance, dullness, narrow hedgi fundby their tight views and narrow horizons but collateral damage ...

I hit and strike back as long as you dont learn how to get along, and you will not get along, you can not understand, you can not see, even not yourself then you can not see anything. You can not do, then I do - sticky.app)

You killed 60 mio buffaloes,
you need another 100 000 frog larves neo ...
then get it all, if you can take it, get it all !!

But realistically seen
if you can not see and take yourself,
then there will be nothing for you
- nothing.

For 15 years you tell bambie stories
but kill and destruct on broad scale
got a shoe thrown, so count on your reward,
15 years, count on that (or got ya voted ... ? multi mediaahhh ... ?-)
Not read my lips but read these words !

3 punches and a plaster
Coming back from a scooter ride in GOA somebody grabbed my from behind at the guest houses parking lot, and he did not immediately release me, he einsisted a bit.
So i punched him, med sized and a bid corpulent, punched him 3 times in his face, each time first blocking his right striking fist ... he must have been dead cause it was med weight punchs (not fly weight ..)
without boxing-gloves. Around 50kg by one fist 3 times .
    Then wondering, i thought a bit about it ... got interupted by knock on my door, took on swim pants, outside 20 locals and 1 police man, maybe 2, he asked me what happened, i told him in short that somebody grabbed me from behind at parking lot and that i needed to defend myself ... so we took to the police station (Goa) two times in one night, back forth back forth, maybe 3 hrs totale, waiting n time passing in poilce head quarter, Goa norther terriories.
    Some days later the other one also appeared in the police station, i tried to get my passport, he with a little plaster over right eye. But the one i hit must have had a mask,
at place of my punches was no blood, no signs or traces ... but in police station one had a little plaster over his eye.
This is Goa that is India !!

Leaning by riding
By riding my scooter one of my daily patrols (most time uncorrupted of air release or other scooter way corruptions) - bio, beach and bunny patrols always swift and alert, i got a couple in between some speed breakers leaning on me suddenly as i was overtaking and dropped off slowly somehow...
    I felt hardly anything because I knew it wasn t a big one (accident), a bit leaning and turning aside, also gov bus drivers in front left me overtaking, but some 3 km two fast hindutva bikers with glasses got around and stopped me, told me that i d have produced a bike accident, they appeared to be a bid aggressive, i denied, and saied show me the place, so i follow them and close to the place
the one in front turned and told me to chello (leave) and showed it with his hand as well.
    I turned and scooterd to Inner line Laguna Territory (but these kind of hreadless arrangments could end up in unknown results)
    Did about 60km on Goan roads on bio, beach n bunny patrol a week when it was average Some days no scooting, sab kutsh days corrupted scooter many days enjoyng cooling wind beach, bunnies, waves, currents, swifts and moves. Most interesting at bio patrols are Goan rare eagles, kites, seagulls and swifts, djungles, Banyan and wall climbing trees, peacocks and young water buffaloes on hills, flowering trees by its smells oveturning you. Resting in shades on hills, very hot and dry at that time (feb - march). Khabi khabi (soemtimes) sunsets with WBSeaeagles, sometimes even with 50 kites overhead and couples doing their marriage walks down to sea along hill range, over white rock beach, from Fort Chaporahhh sometimes.
Also beach n bunny patrol is nice but thats another stories.

similar stories can be read at Thaca Ushte Medizine man of the Sioux or check my book shelf or strategy 4 natives if interested ...

15 years is a time span good enough in big realtions and strong connections enough to fac eyou with our resistance and backfight cause
you like that, you need that and
you get that now and next 15 years

You know what mute TV is ?
Mute TV is good TV ! -)
because it activates your imagination, your fantasia ! -)
it develops and activates your brain
You know your mutual friends ?
guess - you idiots.nlp !

The first free farmers of Europe
rolled down rocks and stones against some church,
because the church entered their farm houses,
and so they got free !

Sometimes when watching vids on DeskTop,
so to say video by deskTopping (multitasking)
or video by MS-ssaging, and its windows
(MS is a one-window, a one flexible multiconglomerati window hopper many corpses included ...)
or i just connect to web, a very Multi Multi task (!!!-)
some irrelevant prozesses start suddenly as are
Adapt.exe, WMPri.service, dllhost.exe, rndell32 (old n funny still working),

- but never mind
you can easily ignore ... (better not!)
but delete or stop these prozesses running by
trigger combi -
Delete-Enter via Task Manager
- voila - viva - pronto !

THIS IS IT 4today ...

- only free ...

- does not open today
..... n many more sites triggered into adr-bar - dont open, but only free ...
3 GB are not so easy consumed !!!

somehow this telecom firma doesnt work today or is it the browser performing so primitive by remote corrupters

Frog larves look so nice
and they stay sometimes calm and easy when something big is moving,
do you knwo how they look, guess liek what,
but thats too much for some, they could not take that !!
So take more, get more.
Frog larves wanted - alive !

You want me to GO
You want me to flee or move ?
What are you to want me to do that ?
Look back on 15 years and see us coming

You want to do cultural shift (socalled)
by your mono ... madness ..
guess you re joking - lol -

                    composed, updated and uploaded 22.06hrs - 26.05.015