Terns - Swallows - Whitebellied Seaeagle -

Falco peregrinus - Wanderfalke

He is a hunter in graceness and by surprise, a masterpiece of flight skills, speed, determination, colour and camouflage. His cheekstripes make him even more magnificant as with other falcons, observing the option for pray for a while, then taking off, not much making a difference of the many options, sometimes melting with the starlings, sourrounded by thousands of them. But more often on the perch in splendid solitude, some took him to the city against the pigeons in the dust ... him to see is a must.

There is a story out there when he got to Maroc, the magnificat valle de Oureka, which is a nice partly narrow and at top end of street wide open valley. He took a small room in a family run guest house with a walnut tree infront. The day he was roaming, jumping and climbing the steep ravine with much gravel. Entering the territory of the Zwergadler (Hieraetus pennatus), and the eagle watched him well. The evening the same day the Zwergadler was performing for 20 minutes over the closeby hillrange of the uppar valley. The CEO did many pictures withe a CEOs digicam. It got too much as the eagle was performing up there, not far away.
It is a bird of determination and temperament, very nice to watch, doing sharp turns and curves, up and down the total range. The CEO was lucky as there was a fence at the window, not to fall out by that much of emotion shared. Seen during this trip

Infos and observations: This page is dedicated to the peregrinus, Ultimate skymaster, Latest, Dir_5
pics: uppar Parvaty valley may o17 during this journey